Friday, November 14, 2008

HIS LITTLE CHURCH WENT TO MARKET - Market Driven, Puurpose Driven Churches

Margaret L. Been  writes:

In the non-fiction line, I’m currently building a resource library on the subject of the contemporary church:  false doctrines, wolves in the flock, New Age undercurrents (mysticism, alternative medicine, yoga, reiki, etc.), and signs of the end times–including the Scriptural importance of and events centering on Israel.
I’ve just found two extremely helpful books:  THIS LITTLE CHURCH WENT TO MARKET: THE CHURCH IN THE AGE OF ENTERTAINMENT, and THIS LITTLE CHURCH STAYED HOME:  A FAITHFUL CHURCH IN DECEPTIVE TIMES–both by Pastor Gary Gilley, published by Evangelical Press.
Along with clearly portraying the market-driven, purpose driven, seeker friendly churches as having abandoned Biblical standards and true Christianity, Pastor Gilley delineates those aspects of our American culture which have given rise to the apostate Purpose Driven and Emergent Church movements. 
Francis Schaeffer style, Pastor Gilley presents a comprehensive analysis of changing world views over past centuries–from Christian, Enlightenment, Modernist, up to the present Post-Modern paradigm along with the cultural changes that have characterized these views.
THIS LITTLE CHURCH WENT TO MARKET AND THIS LITTLE CHURCH STAYED HOME are written in a riveting style which includes occasional bits of wry humor.  They contain historical background and literary references which always add dimension to information.  The books are slim in size, but mighty in content–presenting enough food for thought to warrant many re-readings.  more 

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